an elderly couple

Clients Testimonials

Send your comments and reviews on how your experience was with Pure Love Elderly Care. [Read More]

Set An Appointment

Let’s determine if Pure Love Elderly Care is the right option for you! Send your request for a home care needs assessment. [Read More]

hands holding together
an elderly man and his companion

Meet our Caregivers

Caregiver matching that is successful will lead to more successful home care outcomes. Would you like to meet us prior to the start of services? [Read More]

Welcome to Pure Love Elderly Care

What kind of care do our loved ones deserve? For mom and dad who may be growing into the winter of their lives, you know that they deserve nothing but the best possible care there is. Where do you find such kind of services? Who can you trust to meet their needs and your expectations?

At Pure Love Elderly Care, we are in the business of helping families like yours. When those we love have grown too old or too ill to care for themselves, we step in to provide the professional support. We care for seniors, disabled and the infirmed. Basically anyone who needs help to maintain quality living in the home environment can come to us for help.

For home care requests,
Pure Love Elderly Care
can be reached at 626-548-1080. Call us today!

Areas We Covered
Pure Love Elderly Care covers LA County, Contra Costa County, Orange County & San Bernardino County.

an elderly man and his companion

Mission Statement

It is our mission at Pure Love Elderly Care to bring forth high quality, affordable and flexible home care solutions for all our clients!